Lynda Sql Essential Training 2014 Exercise Files

Hi, I'm Martin Guidry, and welcome to SQL Server 2014 Essential Training. In this course, we'll cover the core features found in SQL Server 2014, the latest version of Microsoft's flagship database management system. I'll start by demonstrating how to install and configure SQL Server, then I'll show you how to create databases and tables to store data. Exercise files are interactive learning documents that accompany your New Horizons training, and enhance class information with real examples and practice drills that hone your skills. Files can be downloaded from the list below as compressed zip files. Bill’s courses SQL Essential Training and MySQL Essential Training are available on both the and Linkedin Learning platforms. This page has support files and other information about Bill’s SQL courses.

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  2. Lynda Exercise Files Sql Download
  3. Lynda Sql Essential Training 2014 Exercise Files Online
  4. Lynda Sql Essential Training 2014 Exercise Files Pdf
3/13/2014 Whatever a database is being used for—websites, bookkeeping, sales and inventory, or even the lowly to-do list—it's still all about the data. Completely updated for 2014,

Essential Learning

SQL Essential Training is designed to help users understand the most common language for database wrangling, SQL. Beginning with a quick start introduction for those who want to start working with data immediately, instructor Bill Weinman teaches all the major features of SQL: creating tables; defining relationships; manipulating strings, numbers, and dates; using triggers to automate actions; and working with subselects and views. He offers a solid working knowledge of the language, and shows how to retrieve and manage data efficiently. The final chapter includes a real-world example of building a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) application using SQL. Topics include: Essential training solutions
  • Understanding SQL terminology and syntax
  • Creating new tables and records
  • Inserting and updating data
  • Writing basic SQL queries
  • Sorting and filtering
  • Accessing related tables with JOIN
  • Working with strings
  • Finding the numeric type of a value
  • Using aggregate functions and transactions
  • Updating a table with triggers
  • Creating views
3h 27m
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- [Voiceover] Hi, I'm Bill Weinmanand welcome to SQL Essential Training.The goal of this course is to provide youwith the basic knowledge that you needto use SQL effectively in any database environment.We'll start with the basics.How databases are organized, and in particular,how relational databases work.I'll explain how to use the Select statement,how to create, update and delete datafrom your tables, how to effectively format your codeand how the basic structure of SQL works.I'll cover data types, aggregate queries,transactions and other features of thispowerful database language.

Finally, I'll show you a full-working CRUD application.CRUD is an acronym for the four basic functionsof any database application,Create, Read, Update and Delete.Understanding SQL will serve you wellin coding and managing relational databasesand your database applications.So let's get started with SQL Essential Training.

Q: For Mac OS X: When I try to start the Apache Web Server from the XAMPP control panel, it doesn't start, and when I open 'localhost' in my web browser, I see a white screen that says 'It Works!' instead of the XAMPP page.

A: This usually means that you have the Apple version of the Apache Web Server already running.
Apple provides a version of the Apache Web Server with OS X. I chose to use XAMPP because it includes PHP and the MySQL server all in one package.
You cannot install XAMPP with Apache already running on your Mac. If you see 'It works!' when you open your browser and type 'localhost' into the address bar, this means that the Apple version of Apache is already running. You cannot run two instances of a web server at once, so the Apple Apache must be stopped before you can install XAMPP.
In OSX 10.7 and earlier, you could start and stop the Apache Web Server in Control Panel, by choosing 'Sharing' and then unchecking the 'Web Sharing' checkbox. As of 10.8 this option is no longer in the control panel.

Lynda Exercise Files Sql Download

To disable Apple's version of Apache in current versions of OS X, open a Terminal window and type this command:
You will need to type your system password when prompted, then you should be able to start the XAMPP version of Apache.

Lynda Sql Essential Training 2014 Exercise Files Online

Q: I'm on a Mac, and I get an error in SID that says 'attempt to write a read only database.' How can I fix this?

A: This usually means that the database folder does not have sufficient permissions for writing by the web user. This can happen if you create the SQL folder new, rather than copying it from the Exercise Files. Here's how to fix this:

  1. Open a Finder window and Navigate to /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/SQL
  2. Control-click on the SQL folder and select 'Get Info' from the context menu.
  3. Under 'Sharing and Permissions' (you may need to open the disclosure triangle), in the 'everyone' row, select 'Read & Write.'Then you can close the Info window.
  4. Now repeat the process for the three *.db files inside the folder.

- [Narrator] If you have a premiumor group account subscription to,you have access to the same example filesused by the author in the courses you're watching,allowing you to follow along doing exactlywhat the author is doing with photos, videos,audio files, business documents, and so on.Not all courses have exercise files, but for those that do,you will see this exercise file optionunder the video player.You may want to note the size of the filesbefore downloading, which you can see right here,and just click on the link to initiate download.


Once the download has completed,open the zip file from your downloads folder.If you're using Windows, you may be askedwhether you want to save or run the file you're downloading.Be sure to click save to save the zip fileto your computer.macOS 10 and later has the built-in abilityto unpack zip files,and most Windows PCs have the pre-installed softwarefor unpacking zip files as well.Once your exercise files have downloaded to your computer,we recommend placing them on your desktop,if you haven't done so already.

Lynda Sql Essential Training 2014 Exercise Files Pdf

This is just allowing for easier access.If you're a Mac user,simply double-click the compressed files to unpack it.Similarly, if you're on Windows,right-click the compressed file and choose extract all.Once the exercise files have been expanded,you can delete the zip file,or you can keep it as a clean backupof the copy of the files you're working on.The author of the course you're watchingwill explain how to use the files you've downloadedfor that specific course.